The passing of the road transport lighting bill came in to force on Sunday 22nd April 1928, required a uniform lighting regulation throughout the country. During the hours of darkness, every motor car must be accompanied with two lamps showing a red light to the rear. The hours of darkness are considered to be a half hour before and after sunset. Illegal to use swivel lamps whilst the car is in motion but dipping lights are permissible. Today we have running lights which often are turned on automatically when the ignition is started, we even have cars that detect darkness and switch on their main dipped lights when it considers to be within the hours of darkness.


On Sunday 4th November the Veteran car run leaves Hyde Park at around 7.00am and heads towards Brighton, to commemorate the raise in the speed limit.. this was all due to the fact that lighting on cars had improved.


From 1930 until this preset day, the Royal Automobile Club has organised the event.

Next time we look at parking and tipping…


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