A concise series of articles about car insurance continued throughout The Lady in the 1920’s, with the increase in owners taking their cars abroad along with additional cars on the road, accidents became a regular occurrence between two drivers, both claiming the rights of the road. The Highway Code as law had not come in to force yet and discrepancies amongst grieved drivers resulted in increased insurance costs. Today we not only have a common sense, but the law on our side, along with improved brakes and the abundance of road signage.
Many insurers realise that households own more than one car these days so discounts for multi car, and others with specialist car insurance such as ‘classic’ car insurance exist today. Insurance for interest groups such as women drivers (don’t get me started) young drivers and older drivers all are catered for in the many ways to keep your financial benefits safe with the car you own.
Next time we look at the motorists face…